Thrive is an 7 week course that will walk you through a deeper understanding of the Great Commandment—loving God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving your neighbor as yourself. The course is grounded both biblically and practically to provide you with a foundation for a thriving relationship with God and others. In addition, Thrive will give you the opportunity to become a member of Genesis Church. 

Because of the language in the Great Commandment given by Jesus, Thrive assumes the Christian life is one that embodies all of who we are. The use of the words, “heart, soul, mind, and strength,” intimates a wholistic understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. As a result, not only will you learn how to thrive spiritually, but also emotionally, mentally, and physically. 

Week 1 – A Thriving Life
An introduction to the course and an overview of what a thriving life looks like.

Week 2 – Thriving Spiritually
A biblical understanding of loving God with our heart and practical applications to implementing it.

Week 3 – Thriving Personally
A deep look at your personality, gifts, and how God created you.

Week 4 – Thriving Intellectually
Biblical and practical ways to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Week 5 – Thriving Physically
A look at how to care for the tangible aspects of our lives including our bodies and our finances. 

Week 6 – Thriving Relationally
A biblical guide for how to best thrive in your relationships inside and outside the church.

Week 7 – Thriving in the Church
A look at the value of community and membership within the church.