Phoenix Youth Con

Genesis Church

For 6th through 12th grade, it is a 2-day youth conference (Jan 31st - Feb 1st) of excellent speakers, fantastic worship, games, prizes, and food! The price is $100. For more details, […]


Membership Class

Genesis Church

You have a place and a purpose at Genesis Church. Come learn the mission, vision, and priorities of Genesis Church and what it means to become a committed participant in our thriving […]

Members Meeting

Our quarterly member meetings are designed to help you stay up-to-date on things happening behind the scenes at Genesis. We will take a look at how things are progressing with […]

Northtown Outreach

15630 N. 23rd St. Phoenix, AZ 85022 , United States

The first Saturday of each month, different teams of volunteers come together to help fulfill odd-job tasks around the neighborhood. Whether washing windows for someone, mowing a lawn, or picking […]

Party in the Park

Roadrunner Park 3502 E Cactus Rd, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Grab yourself some lunch after service and bring it over to the party in the park. We'll toss some footballs and have a little family-friendly fun.

Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter.  Join us for this special service of worship and prayer. Please welcome Amp teens as they join us. Reminder: Childcare will not be […]


Genesis Church

If you are new to Genesis, NEXT is the perfect place for you. It happens every few months and will help you get acquainted with Genesis. You’ll meet some of […]